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Our Simple Price Plans:

  • Free Demo
  • A Taste of our Content:
  • Japanese: Lesson 1 + Demo Content
  • 2 Episodes of Discover Japan's Past
  • Spanish: Lesson 1
  • 4x Spanish Trips
  • 3x English Trips
  • Speech Recognition
  • Limited Access to Online Materials
  • Premium
  • Features You'll Love:
  • 40 Japanese Lessons with Conversations
  • 15-Episode Series on Japanese History
  • 5 Spanish Lessons with Conversations
  • 42 Spanish Trips around Spain
  • 46 English Trips around Britain
  • Access to Library of Online Materials
  • Discord Community Access & Technical Support
  • $21 / Month*
  • Institutions
  • Multi-Headset Licenses
  • Perfect for Schools and Companies
  • Student Access to Library of Online Materials
  • Tailored Lesson Plans
  • Access to Discord Community of Educators
  • Additional Tutoring via Zoom
  • From $125 / Month**

*based on annual subscription. Rolling monthly subscription is $25.
**based on annual subscription for up to 6 Headsets and 30 individuals.

Upcoming Content in Next 12 Months

We are producing lots of 360 content in the next 12 months. Here's a brief look at what's to come:

  • Japanese - Trips to Japan for beginner to fluent Japanese speakers
  • Spanish - 25+ more Trips around Spain
  • Spanish - Starter Pack update
  • English - New Trips to Cornwall, Bath, and Stratford Upon Avon.
  • English - Beginner and Intermediate Trips and Conversations.
  • French, German, and Italian - Trips for beginner and intermediate speakers.

Last updated: 06-Aug-2024